Our practice is involved in the training of GP Registrars who are sometimes allocated to the practice for 6 months or a year. These fully-qualified doctors are gaining further experience in general practice. You will always be told if your appointment is with one of them or of their presence at a consultation, but if you wish to see your own doctor in private, please tell the receptionist.
We are also a teaching practice for medical students from the Norfolk and Norwich Medical School, (the University of East Anglia) and the University College of London. A student may sit in on some surgeries but your permission will be asked and no offence will be caused if you decline and wish only to see your doctor.
If you are interested in training with us, find out more here.
Video recordings
For training purposes we video surgeries on a weekly basis by prior arrangement with patients. This is a useful experience for doctors in training. You will always be informed when you arrive in the surgery if the video camera will be in use during that consultation, and can tell the receptionist if you would prefer it to be switched off.
You may also decide after the consultation that you would like the consultation to be deleted. All video tapes are kept secure and are only viewed by doctors and medical students for teaching purposes.