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Research studies

As a patient at this surgery you may be asked, possibly when booking an appointment or when seeing the GP or practice nurse, if you would like to take part in research. If this is the case you will be given a full explanation about the study/trial and what is involved.

Why do we do research?

  • It helps us to identify and provide the best possible care for you and your family.
  • It looks at ways to prevent illness, and helps us to improve treatments and services.
  • It helps us to increase our knowledge about illnesses.

 How can you, our patients, help us?

  • By filling in questionnaires,
  • By letting the researcher look at your medical notes,
  • Trying a new treatment or drug.

Please remember that taking part in research is voluntary; you do not have to take part, and you can change your mind at anytime. If you decide that you no longer wish to take part this will not affect your care.

All studies run at the practice have been looked at in-depth by various committees to ensure it is ethical, of value to our patients and to the NHS, and that it respects the rights, safety, and well being of those taking part.

If you would like to speak to somebody about research in the practice please contact reception.

Page published: 15 April 2024
Last updated: 15 April 2024